Learn Shamanism
I offer both Healing and Teaching, if you are interested in learning to heal yourself or others, Shamanism is a great place to start and I offer Self-Study, Group (over zoom calls), and Personal education in Shamanism.
Q. What is your learning style?
Self-Study, Group Calls over video or In-Person Groups ( Dartmoor, England) or do you prefer 1:1?
I offer them all, and you can learn more below.
a) Remember You're Magic is a Magical and Mystical Masterclass that is self-paced, though I recommend that you take 8-10 weeks to complete the 25 lessons so that you finish with a solid idea of the Magic you possess and the foundations of your Shamanic knowledge as an Initiate.
In a small Group
You have the option of an 11-month deep dive into Shamanism, covering all you need to become a Healer, or break it down into 3-month sprints, the first "Mystical You", to set your foundational knowledge in Shamanism and then "Mystical Novice" builds on the foundational course and "Mystical Healer" completes your induction to Shamanism.
b) Galactic Mysticism is an in-depth group program, that runs for eleven months, where we meet weekly over a zoom call and cover the 'Remember You're Magic' foundational course and progress from Initiate, through Novice, and into Healer Shaman.
c) Mystical You is the foundational course into Shamanism, perfect for beginners or those refreshing knowledge, it runs for three months, and we meet weekly over a zoom call and cover the foundations of Shamanism, which covers the Initiate level.
d) Mystical Novice is the next step after the foundational course in Shamanism, perfect for those with a foundation in Shamanism or those refreshing knowledge, it runs for three months, and we meet weekly over a zoom call and cover the Novice level of Shamanism, which covers the beginning of of the Healing knowledge.
e) Mystical Healer is the level after the Novice course in Shamanism, perfect for those looking to enhance their healing ritual knowledge, it runs for three months, and we meet weekly over a zoom call and cover the more advanced healing ritual of Shamanism.
f) Shamanism Mastery is the same as the 11-month deep dive in Shamanism, which is the "Galactic Mysticism" course, however, this time the program is on a 1:1 basis and we have the option to meet in person in England.
The courses are noted below with links to the detailed information pages for each.
If you have any questions please contact me.
Wishing you a beautiful day.
LEARN MORESelf-Study Shamanism
You Can Remember Your Own Magical Gifts and Your Higher Purpose in the next few weeks.
The knowledge of Magic is already within you, you are the magic, it’s encoded in your DNA, you already know and have simply forgotten, and it’s time to remember who you truly are.
This is for you the questioning, curious being, who knows, that there is more to life and that a better understanding of yourself, leads to Grace, Ease, Flow, Joy & Wisdom. This is for the Bold, Courageous, and Open-Hearted Soul, that longs to live life to its fullest and is ready for a Magical adventure into the mystical world of Shamanic rituals.
This Magical and Mystical Masterclass is self-paced, though I recommend that you take 8-10 weeks to complete the 25 lessons so that you finish with a solid idea of the Magic you possess.
Sign up today and start to Remember You're Magic!
The fee is £ 333
LEARN MOREBecome a Shaman
Learn Shamanism in a deep dive 11-month course, "Galactic Mysticism", where we cover the foundations of Shamanism, then introduce you to the healing rituals, and then finally into the more complex and powerful healing ceremonies. Or split the learning into 3-month sprints, learn the foundations as an "Initiate', then integrate and learn about healing using Shamanic rituals, as a "Novice", and then complete the course with the powerful "Healer" ceremonies and leave as a Shaman in your own right.
Galactic Mysticism - Learn Shamanism in a group
If you’ve ever felt the call to learn more about healing energies, then the Galactic Mysticism induction is for you. Galactic because the energy is everywhere and Mysticism as it encapsulates all the magic you will remember.
You’ll learn about connecting with your spirit guides, build your healing temple, and connect more deeply to your light body, have adventures in non-reality with your guides, some will be animals, others spirit, and you may even connect with Goddesses and Gods.
You will remember the healing abilities of your mind, body & soul and embody the true Mystical being that you really are.
Recently one of the students in “Mystical You”, my foundation in Shamanism course, was riding her spirit animal, a massive White Elephant and talking with a Gorilla, another met her power animal a giant Lion. I’d also love to connect your Dragon guides, there is something very special about having a Dragon on your team, and flying on their backs is a marvelous experience.
You will start as an Initiate and learn the foundations of Mysticism, move through Novice, Healer, and into Master.
The Galactic Mysticism will run through the year (11 months), it will be Three Modules, Initiate Novice Healer, and each one will be delivered spaciously, with regular video calls and integration breaks, taking you from Initiate to Healer, so you are ready to step into Master in Shamanism, it will also contain elements of Reiki and Rahanni rituals and practices, though mainly it’s about Shamanic practices.
The fee is £ 2,999
LEARN MOREBeginner Course in Shamanism (Group - 3 Months)
You will start as an Initiate and learn the foundations of Mysticism, and have the option to purchase through further training into Novice, Healer.
The Beginner Course in Shamanism will run for three months, it is the Foundational course and takes you through the Initiate Level.,
The course is named Mystical You, and is delivered via weekly video call.
We will meet at a time convenient to us all, and calls will be recorded for replay, revision, and in case you miss a class.
The course modules will be taught each week and the course content will be available on the education platform called Kajabi, so you can access it whenever you need to, it's a phone application too, so you can access it when away from home.
We can start the next course when at least 6 people have requested to join, as it's much more fun in a group settling :)
Message me if interested in Mystical You and we'll have an initial chat to see how to progress.
The fee is £ 1,100
Intermediate Course in Shamanism (Group - 3 Months)
You will have started as an Initiate and learned the foundations of Shamanism, this is the next step into Novice.
The Course in Shamanism will run for three months, it is the intermediate course and takes you through the Novice Level,
The course is named Mystical Novice, teaches you Shamanic healing rituals, and is delivered via weekly video call.
We will meet at a time convenient to us all, and calls will be recorded for replay, revision, and in case you miss a class.
The course modules will be taught each week and the course content will be available on the education platform called Kajabi, so you can access it whenever you need to, it's a phone application too, so you can access it when away from home.
We can start the next course when at least 6 people have requested to join, as it's much more fun in a group settling :)
Message me if interested in Mystical You and we'll have an initial chat to see how to progress.
The fee is £ 1,500
Healing Course in Shamanism (Group - 3 Months)
You will have started as an Initiate and learned the foundations of Shamanism, then learned the beginnings of healing rituals in the Novice level, this takes the healing knowledge further to the Healer Level.
The Course in Shamanism will run for three months, it is the healing course and takes you through the Healer Level,
The course is named Mystical Healer, teaches you the more advanced Shamanic healing rituals, and is delivered via weekly video call.
We will meet at a time convenient to us all, and calls will be recorded for replay, revision, and in case you miss a class.
The course modules will be taught each week and the course content will be available on the education platform called Kajabi, so you can access it whenever you need to, it's a phone application too, so you can access it when away from home.
We can start the next course when at least 6 people have requested to join, as it's much more fun in a group setting :)
Message me if interested in Mystical You and we'll have an initial chat to see how to progress.
The fee is £ 1,500
Learn Shamanism 1:1
You will start as an Initiate and learn the foundations of Mysticism, move through Novice, Healer, and into Master.
The Shamanism Mastery will run through the year, it will be Three Modules, Initiate Novice Healer, and each one will be delivered spaciously, with regular video calls and integration breaks, taking you from Initiate to Healer, so you are ready to step into Master in Shamanism, it will also contain elements of Reiki and Rahanni rituals and practices, though mainly it’s about Shamanic practices.
We will meet at a time convenient to us both and if feasible meet up in person a few times throughout the year to visit the magical ancient stone circles on Dartmoor and practice the ceremonies and rituals you've learned.
We can start at any time during the year and run for eleven months.
Message me if interested in Shamanism Mastery and we'll have an initial chat to see how to progress.
The fee is £ 4,999
Learn Shamanism TESTIMONIALS
Mystical You - A foundation in Shamanism; 💝
I joined the Mystical You course as a complete novice, I've been very interested in learning more after receiving shamanic healing.
The course has been so interesting, I've met some lovely people on the course all from different backgrounds and Kevin has explained and helped me along my journey.
So far I have found what I believe is my spirit guide and I have met my elephant that I feel is protecting me and also guiding me.
I have ridden on the back of my elephant and it was the most amazing feeling.
I can't wait to learn more.
Liza (England)
When I signed up to take Mystical You with Kev, I did so with high expectations as I had been following him on LinkedIn for almost a year. I always felt that I had a mystical connection, but I had no idea how deep it was.
When Kev offered this course, I jumped at the chance to discover more of who I am. Many of my life experiences are so much clearer now, having taken this course. So to say that my high expectations were met would be a terrible understatement.
I was blown away when I discovered, and am still discovering, just how deeply my mysticism has been all my life. I am so grateful that Kev has given me this wonderful gift.
Bonnie (USA) 🇺🇸
“I came into Mystical You with journey several times a week. My intention in starting this class was to expand my understanding of how to journey, protection, and building stronger connections with my guides.
Kevin is such an amazing teacher. Not only is he a great guide, but the way he teaches it is like we are not only his students, but we are all teachers as well. I was able to learn more about my Shamanic Temple, and new daily spiritual protections, and gained a stronger relationship with my main guide, and met some new ones along the way.
I also want to send a special shout-out to Kevin’s Dragon guides who were great guides during our journeys and help me overcome certain fears. I highly recommend this class to anyone who is new to advanced when it comes to understanding the spiritual world within and without.”
Lexi ( USA) 🇺🇸
FREE GIFT of 3 shamanic rituals
Take Shamanism for a Test-Drive
Find out how the powerful Shamanic energy in these three rituals can cleanse, heal & revitalise your energy.